Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The worlds first stroke geared two wheeler was made by India’s Bajaj Auto Ltd in 1998. The world’s first university was established in Takshilla in 700BC.It was the Harvard of its times.
The sines and cosines ratio was developed by Indians. These ratios replaced the use of chords and made trigonometry of triangles and its theorems much easier.
Are we poor? India consumes 1/5th of the world’s gold output.
4 out of 10 Silicon Valley start ups are run by Indians.
World’s first print bureau was set up in Calcutta in June 1897. The world first break through where a criminal was identified on basis of Finger print identification was done in 1898 in India.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Once president BUSH went to a school to interact with the children.
After having
one brief talk with the children he asked them if they have any
question to ask him.

One boy raised his hand and stood up;
Bush: whats your name
John: john
Bush: whats you question
Johm: sir I have three questions
1) why did America attack iraq without the approval of UNO
2) where is osama
3) why do America support Pakistan so much
bush: you are an intelligent student johnEURO|.(just then the bell for
recess rang)
oh dear students we will continue after the recess is over.

After the recess
Bush: ok children where were we? Yes, so anybody wants to ask any
Peter raises his hand
Bush :Whats your name?
Peter : sir I have 5 questions.
1) why did America attack iraq without the approval of UNO
2) where is osama
3) why do America support Pakistan so much
4) why did recess bell ring 20 mins before the scheduled time
5) where is JOHN?